Me,Myself and I


simply living life to the fullest!

its just a beautiful mistake i found HIM!<3

Two beautiful angel given to me and COMPLETE my life

Palin & Shasha





Tuesday, June 19, 2007

girlfriends outing was a blast!i had as much fun as they had and i one more of it please!=))

on the other hand,
i guess,i dun have any mood to blog nowadays.
too much things on my mind and one of those is this one person who i assume is throwing away our friendship right into bin.
well,to type it all out maybe it will just be bore to all u people.
i dont know what im thinking and what i intend to do with this mess.
i said my piece and i want to make things right but seems like its not working for that person.
i guess that person might be reading this and i hope that this person really know how much this friendship means to me.
yeah it hurt deep shit to have this kind of feelings!
im stuck!get it people?stuck btw a friendship and a relationship.
whick i think somehow someway,these people just aint happy to see me happy!
And at the end of the day,someone need to sacrifice.

and i guess its gonna be me.
and i hope i won regret the choice i am going to make.

to that person-maybe,being a girl make me more emotional than u do.being a girl somehow make me treasure friendship more than u do.and maybe being a girl always make me think how things are going to work out.this feelings suck and not talking to u suck even more.please understand my situation and i hope we could have a understanding on this matter.

and hotstuff.i think he will read my blog one day.
i just want him to know that i want him to be with me all the time and be more open with my choice of friends.
i dont want to get too mushy here but i wanted to let him know that i need both my friends and him.
and yeah i hope that person know how much my hotstuff meant to me!

Yeah!im sick and tire of all this.i want u people to simply understand my situation.
and if u people dont wish to see me happy and always in a fucked up situation like this,fine.im a girl who will always make mistakes and i hope u people could help me learn from it.and if this is suppose to be some kind of a retribution for me.
then i accept it.

enough said.im done.


 - I guess this is a beautiful mistake too...# ;

Friday, June 08, 2007

yes,i grabbed the photo from that badak's blog.

i love the picture cause i look pretty and fairr!heheh!okay,im here to update what i've done last week.To describe the week that have just ended,

tiring,exhausted,lethargic and the list goes on.

from monday to today,im actually in school getting myself dirty with all that oil paint and facing that big freaking canvas for one whole freaking damn day!from the start i knew i wont finish painting it on time.i was right!today is friday and i've pathetically painted three things on my canvas.no background no first layer just three things solid!im just so fucking slow laa.what to do?im just being me!

but the best thing is,i got to see my two bestfriend everyday!

to the left,i will see palin painting her stupid tree!hahah!

to the right,i will see shasha's butt!=D

im one happy girl despite all the painting and drawing.i just feel loved by them for the whole one week.and we wore the same t-shirt just now!it was extra love la okay!=)

at this point of time,i declare myself busy during this final round of the holidays.im so packed with so many things and i hope i can cope.i actually got a job to do tomoro recommended by my friend and im so excited but at the same time,im just so nervous!i kinda want to make this as my part time job so that i could earn some bucks.but well,we'll see how.maybe i ask the management tomorow.

there's plenty more to do for art and we could actually come back on monday to finish up but i got plans.sentosa agaiN?yup...and for the rest of the week busy busy busy!extra classes plus painting plus getting dirty again!im actually sensing that im going to fall sick real soon but lets hope i wont.

and yeah,hotstuff are back!like one week ago??hahaha!he bought me a white tee and im loving it!he always wanted me to blog about him when actually i got nothing to tell the world about him!well just one thing that,


 - I guess this is a beautiful mistake too...# ;

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

hey hey!im back again.
u people better dont bet with farhana!
she's crapping.hahaha!
well,did nothing much today.
slack around the house with niecey.
ate breakfast and headed bck to sleep.
watched some shows letting the time past.
and yeah!time flies really fast today.
when i thought its like 11 oclock but then its already 12 15.
hmmm..everything went well today!
and tomorow will be out the whole day with brother and my niece.
maybe i'll do some shopping with brother as he just got his pay!
woohoo!cant waiT!
thursday im free.
so anyonee??ring me up n lets have a date!
watching the incredibles right now.
and it reminds me of nobody except aida!
sleeping soon as i got to wake up early tomoro.
and ouh yeah!my hotstuff ring me just now and leave me two messages.
im super duper happy right now as i could listen to his voice!
i hope u girls are not jealous eyy!
just cant wait for friday to come.
lastly,i wish to spend some quality time with my dearest shasha and palin!
please grant my wish sweetiess!
till here then!i'll update tomoro maybe.
if im not tired.
so,goodnight everybody!
goodnight fad!<3

 - I guess this is a beautiful mistake too...# ;

Monday, May 28, 2007

im back for more action!
new skin for the blog and i hope this time it last.hehehe!
where shoud i start.
im so lost right now after a long time not touching this blog thingy.
let me get comfortable for a sec!

Holidays are here once again.
but nah..
not excited about it.
my holidays are not that packed with school activities and extra lessons.
but i dont know why im not feeling high and excited about it.

art extra lessons will be held next week straight.
and i have to finish painting my drawings by next week!
i know it wont happen btw.

got back my report book.
im happy but mommy's not.
i have a clean piece of paper with no underline yet mommy is still not happy.
my class position was 12th this semester unlike last year end of the year no.15th.
but too bad to sad,mummy didnt see that as an achievement of mine.
demoralising me i suppose.
but im gonna prove to her that i can do better.
so lets just see how things goes.
i hope i could start revising during this june hols and by the time the big day come,in a snap!i can answer everything!=p
fat hope i noe!hahaha!
im trying my best people!

calling for help!fana fana!lets study together u smarty pants!lets study together so i can be better than u!huahuahuahua!

and also,im trying to make it up to all girlfriends who i've not been meeting and catching things up lately.
maybe this time is a good time but not too much.
and since i have 5 days of free time without my hotstuff,i think i can make it for all plans!hehehe!

5 days..
seems like its a big hoohaa among some of my girlfriends abt the 5 days thingy!hehehe!
so what is it abt the 5 days??
well,basically,that hotstuff up there are away right now.
he's away going for a 5 days trip to penang and then to K.L.
he's probably snuggling himself in the most uncomfortable seat ever right now!hehehe!
12 hours bus ride and i assume they are on the highway at this moment.
he just beeped me sending a simple yet sweet gd night message!
im so gonna miss him during this 5 freaking days!
but im not alone!some girlfriends are also on the same boat as me!
*evil laugh*
i hope he have fun over there n baby,forget me not!
hitting the sack soon so i guess i end here!
i'l be back.
no no,i wont be missing in action again and leave this blog of mine untouch for months,i'll be back...
maybe tomoro or the day after and after and after...hehe!

i think this is it.i just want to be with him and no one else.i hope things works perfectly fine for us and we could have a better future together!

im so in love again!

i love u faddly!

 - I guess this is a beautiful mistake too...# ;

Saturday, May 05, 2007

im just so fucked up.
a beautiful morning ruined by talking about that irritating person!
*smack forehead!*

someone please brighten up my day..

p.s:he's the ultimate bitch!

 - I guess this is a beautiful mistake too...# ;

Sunday, April 15, 2007

i hateeeee this one fucker!
he suck like shit punye!
n forever stuck with my boyfriend!
please leave him alone fucker!
u wanna meet the 'bitches',go ahead!
DONT n from now on NEVER drag my boyfriend with you!
i hate them and now i hate YOU!

like seriously la people.he's the reason why i fought with faddly just now.
i saw this stupid picture with faddly,his pathetic stupid face n his two bitches in it.
like cibai okay!
n keep using my faddly handphone to message that bitch.
n on top of that my faddly lie to me.
all because of u who dragged him to slack with them!
and when i ask,he lied!
because he dont want me to get all fucked up.
so sweet of him but im still angry he lied!
at first it was him.
now it was HIM!

speaking of him,
i kinda miss talking n sharing with him.
i mean.i did blame him once but i think i should start a new with him.
give him a chance.
i mean,he do still care bt my feelings and always ask my faddly if i mind he go out with him.
i just wanted to say sorry to him for treating him like a dirt and never did acknowledge him after all this.
i know he wont be reading this but im just stating whats on my mind.
sorry aite him.
u did help us through and for that thanks alot.
i mean it now.
lets end it now.
once and for all.

yesterday after speech day,slack with palin and wan.
the first time ever talking and actually mingle with him.
well,now i know why someone is really attracted to him!
he's not what i expected him to be.
he's nice.
and somehow,he's different.
no wonder palin keep saying,'die ok la.die nampak je jahat tapi die actually okay!'
okay palin,i trust u now darling!

so now,im off.
want to clear some things.
let me do it,
my way.

nyte people!

 - I guess this is a beautiful mistake too...# ;

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Surprise surprise!!
im actually sitting right here updating my freaking blog!
people at the tagboard!
sorry for ignoring you people cause u all have been bugging me to update again and again n finaallllyyy!
im HERE!

like seriously,tell me.
why do we have to update our blog most of the time??
i mean do u people really want to read abt my mundane life?
what i do in school,at home,eat,what time did i went to bed n so on and so forth?
or even what?writing a long post,thinking and thinking of vivid words and phrases to be written on my blog and like make people go 'awww...nice english she got ther!'
To me,writing an entry on my blog,is suppose to be the time when i really feel like it n im in the mood.and somehow,its a time i should also be playing arnd with my language.
My point of view i suppose.
i dont thing blogging is a must do thing in our daily life.
i mean i will post an entry when i feel like it and also when there is something i want to share with u people who's been visiting my blog.
by the way,no offence ya fellow bloggers!

back to where i am..
im in the mood and yeah.
here i am.
school were okay so far.
mid-year coming.
busy busy time now.
extra classes.
alot of things to catch up.

nothing new.
same old thing.

my old 'bestfriend' seems to be bug me.
i mean she's just coming out of nowhere and like giving me messages almost everyday.
weird!freaking weird!
and it kind of scare me abit.
i mean whats up with her?
what does she want?
Friends we can be but more?
she walked out of my life when i needed her and now she's here with me when she got no one?
is she using me?
but too bad too sad bebeh,the bond isnt there and i guess its time to move on.
afterall,it would not be fair for my two dearest baby galfriend(ehem!hehe) as they are the one tt have been there for me after she left!
No NO..
nice try.but it aint gonna work!

i miss going out with shasha n palin.
hanging out.laugh our heads off.
miss it!
perhaps one day ya babies!khekehkhe!

And,have u people really felt that u're damn frustrated n sad with ur bf/gf but when u look at them n they give u the cutest look and smile ever,somehow,the angst in u just disappear??

well,i did...
my bf just made it.
he gave me his silly yet cutest smile ever and im like blown away!
i was frustrated with him okay!
but nahh..
not animore!

i LOVE Boipren many2!
cause he's the cutest thing on earth!
my hotstuff,my MD FADDLY!
my <3

 - I guess this is a beautiful mistake too...# ;